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Rhinegeld German Mustard

(On Sale - 4.99)
Morehouse Horseradish Mustard
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Rhinegeld is a dragon slayer’s mustard who richly deserves this golden treasure. The artful blending of mustard seed and a myriad of spices with a hefty touch of white wine has produced this old world flavor fit for a knight’s table. This is truly the aristocrat of mustards for those who seek adventure in food.

Ingredients: Gluten-free distilled vinegar, Water, Mustard seeds, Sea salt, White wine, Spices.

Nutrition Facts: Serving size 1 tsp/5g, Servings 45, Calories 5, Total fat 0%, Trans fat 0%, Sodium 60mg/3%, Total carb 0%, Protein 0g, – Daily Value based upon 2,000 calorie diet.

Benefits: Natural, Kosher, Gluten & GMO free, Vegan, Non-allergenic plant


